Llámanos 985 944 055
Espa?ol English Portuguese

Condiciones de reserva y cancelación

IMPORTANT: Performing Online reservations will be charged 20% of the total price as a deposit, the remaining money will be paid at the hotel.
All Online reservations have already included Iva

On-line Booking Confirmation: After booking and paid the deposit on our website, we send an e-mail confirmation to the address provided by the customer in the form.

Cancellation Policy: Once the reservation has been made and confirmed, in case of cancellation of the same by the client, the amount charged will be returned, provided that it is made more than 3 DAYS before the date of entry.

Number of people: The Offers are for the number of people indicated, will be provided on request and at an additional any number of people mayor.ç

The activity packs are made with Aquassport Jaire Adventure, pioneering companies in the sector. These are subject to availability, weather conditions etc. .. if not its realization is possible, be changed to another

985 944 055
671 58 32 07
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